Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Steriods are RUINING Baseball

Since 1990, with the coming out of Jose Cansaco's book, steriods have come to the surface of what once was the great American sport: Baseball. I can remember watching players like Sammy Sosa and Mark Macquire smash balls outta the park and being amazed especially the season when they were battling each other for the most homers in a year. Fast foward to when Canseco's book arose; I like so many other loyal fans was completely devastated and completely pissed off that such a thing could be allowed to happen.
The sad thing about steriod use in baseball is that it seems to be allowed to occur. For instance stories like Roger Clemens' team trainer Brian Macknamie feeding him steriods is completely absurd considering he was once charged with obtaining and selling steriods, how could such a man even be allowed near one of the greatest pitchers ever to evolve from this great game.
The worst thing about such things is that the records these men have broken and games they've helped win are all tainted and the true records have been forgotten.

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