Monday, June 29, 2009

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Steroid Cartoon

This cartoon is great. Through the cartoon it is chacterizing those whom have used and are considering to use steroids. The video attracts baseball fans and those whom may be intrested on a brief history of steroids in baseball. all of the high profile ballplayers whom have been charged with steroid use are being made fun of through a funny jingle in which says they'll be banned from the hall of fame, which i completely agree with.
The who in this piece would be those considering the use of steroids to become bigger and better at the game.
The why is that there is a problem with high school players seeing steroid users and their success and attempting to duplicate it.
The what is the steroids themselves in that altough they may make you bigger for a few months after they wear off it will be hard to maintain the muscle and weight you have gained from them, thus you're ultimately cheating yourself.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Effects Steriods are Currently Having on Baseball

You dont have to be a genius to see how steriods are ruining baseball altogether. Not a single game goes by where a player's performance on the field isn't questioned in some way. If you're an avid fan of the game the extreme and quickness of the growth by players is prove enough to show that some misdoing is occuring. I can remember when Barry Bonds first began playing with the Giants; he was a small speedy guy who was know for slapping it down the line, but now as has been shown he bulked up completely and could wallup the ball over 550 feet easily.
The major problem I have with "men" like Bonds, Clemens, and Rafael Palmero to name a few; is that even though they've been caught red handed cheating at the once beautiful game, they're continue to deny it in the highest of courts: the Supreme Court of Justice.
I would truly appreciate if they recieved jail time and anyone whos name even comes close to being mixed up with roids needs to be stricken from the hall of fame for life. I mean if Pete Rose, one of the greatest players of all time, is banned for simply betting on games, then how can the MLB even begin to defend such monsters whom cheat and do all they can to hide it. I'm baffaled.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Steriods are RUINING Baseball

Since 1990, with the coming out of Jose Cansaco's book, steriods have come to the surface of what once was the great American sport: Baseball. I can remember watching players like Sammy Sosa and Mark Macquire smash balls outta the park and being amazed especially the season when they were battling each other for the most homers in a year. Fast foward to when Canseco's book arose; I like so many other loyal fans was completely devastated and completely pissed off that such a thing could be allowed to happen.
The sad thing about steriod use in baseball is that it seems to be allowed to occur. For instance stories like Roger Clemens' team trainer Brian Macknamie feeding him steriods is completely absurd considering he was once charged with obtaining and selling steriods, how could such a man even be allowed near one of the greatest pitchers ever to evolve from this great game.
The worst thing about such things is that the records these men have broken and games they've helped win are all tainted and the true records have been forgotten.